4 Things to Ask Your Prudential Financial Professional

Coupleasking Financial agent questions

When is the last time you checked in with your Prudential Financial Professional about your insurance coverage? Catch up with them this fall to make sure you have the right coverage for you and your family. Don’t wait until you need to file a claim to find out. Your coverage review might also uncover ways to save money! Here are four things to ask:

1. Am I getting all of the discounts for which I qualify? You could be missing out on savings! Here are a few you might have overlooked:

  • A discount for having a factory or aftermarket anti-theft device
  • A discount for completing a state-approved defensive driving course

2. Do I have the right coverage? Ask, “Am I covered …?”

  • “In the event of a flood?”
  • “In the event of a hit-and-run accident?”
  • “If water gets in my basement?”
  • “If lightning strikes my house?”

3. Does my policy protect me from a covered loss up to the limits purchased?

  • Did you know that your auto policy includes free legal representation in the event of a covered loss under your auto policy? However, you should speak with your Prudential Financial Professional about the coverage limits you purchased with your auto policy to ensure you have the protection you need.

4. Do I really need a personal umbrella policy?

  • Personal umbrella policies may protect you against a large claim when you are liable. These policies offer tremendous coverage for very little cost. Talk to your Prudential Financial Professional about umbrella options.

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